In April 2018 BSI published PD ISO/TS 19837:2018, which is the UK implementation of the new international Technical Specification ISO/TS 19837:2018, ‘Safety of machinery. Trapped key interlocking devices. Principles for design and selection.’ Procter Machine Safety is offering a free white paper that explains the implications for the use of trapped key interlocks on machine guards.

Procter Machine Safety has published a new white paper ‘PD ISO/TS 19837:2018 recommendations for trapped key interlocks.’
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This latest white paper, titled ‘PD ISO/TS 19837:2018 recommendations for trapped key interlocks,’ can be downloaded free of charge as a PDF from the Procter Machine Safety website. It has been written by Steve Allen CMSE, who is a Member of BSI’s MCE/3 committee, a Certified Machinery Safety Expert and National Sales Manager for Procter Machine Safety. As well as providing background information about trapped key interlocking systems, the white paper explains the role that PD ISO/TS 19837:2018 plays in terms of regulatory compliance. Although the document is not a standard in the formal sense of the word, complying with its recommendations would undoubtedly be the most prudent course of action.
What follows in the white paper is a clause-by-clause commentary on PD ISO/TS 19837:2018, picking out pertinent points that will be helpful to anyone specifying, designing, installing or maintaining trapped key interlocking systems on machine guards. PD ISO/TS 19837:2018 also includes four annexes, and these are highlighted in the white paper as well.
If you are responsible for trapped key interlock on machine guards, whatever your role, this new white paper is essential reading. Copies of ‘PD ISO/TS 19837:2018 recommendations for trapped key interlocks’ are available free of charge from the website at, or request it by telephoning 02920 855758 or emailing
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